

I got this amazing slippers last week, I was so excited because I have been looking for a pair like this for a while now. I got two amazing pairs, but youll have to wait for another post to see the other ones. Meanwhile I get to wear this cool skull flats for shopping spree and a casual meal with my dad.

Polka dot shorts -  H&M / Peek a boo shirt - Pull & Bear / Tote bag - Coach / Sunglasses - Mango / Skull slippers - Steve Madden.

I got the inspiration for this casual look from one of the quirkiest trends of the season, the pajama look. Seems like the spring is full with this comfy looks, you see them everywhere and you can find it on slippers, satin shorts, loose printed pants, even pajama tops and robe looking jackets. It's all about having fun with a unconventional day wear, who said this style could only work for the bedroom, it's spring it's the perfect time to  enjoy and explore your options. They are so many different trends out there and it's always cool to try a new one every once in a while.

Hope your week kicks off with a great start!


  1. Hi lovely, I love your style and your blog!!!
    Take a look on my blog and if you like we can follow each other?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

    1. Thank you Marcela!!
      I'm so glad you liked it, I'll visit your blog and follow you back!!
      keep in toch!!

  2. Muy cagado pero te ves hermosa Andy!!
